You'll Never Want to Leave Your Backyard Again: These Solar Lights Make Your Home a Stunning Resort

Americans say Colorize™ is the most affordable way to transform your house from dull to astonishing in just minutes.

All you have to do is take them out of the box, place them wherever you want, and enjoy the beautiful light show.

Wild animals can chew off your wiring making your pricey installation worthless. Colorize™ can be set up in just a few minutes and doesn't need constant maintenance.

Don’t Waste Thousands Of Dollars (Or Hours Of Manual Labor) Installing Some Ugly Wiring

Engineers at Colorize™ Created the Ultimate Solution to Upgrade Your Yard

Finally, everyone who walks by will stop dead on their tracks and look in awe at how gorgeous your home looks.

Choose any of the 4 breathtaking colors (red, green, blue, or white) or switch it to party mode and get a light-show of impressive colors!

Colorize™ will turn your boring house into the pride & joy of the block that makes your neighbors jealous.

Plus, the lights automatically turn on at night using "dusk to dawn" to technology. Making your home an inviting place where guests feel welcome and ready to enjoy themselves.

Where Can I Get This?

Colorize™ is ONLY available online and can't be found in stores.

Imagine the Money You Will Save Not Wanting to Leave the Comfort of Your Resort-Like Backyard


ver felt like your house looks a little dull from the outside? You want to install some super bright, colorful lights but hiring an electrician would cost you an arm and a leg…

But there’s a solution… imagine your home surrounded by a beautiful glow of bright lights… imagine your neighbors’ faces when they see how stunning your yard looks now with all that color. Colorizes new solar-powered color lights are transforming American homes from boring and dull to the envy of the neighborhood (without any complicated wiring or professional installation!)

To get an Colorize™, you need to hurry! Colorize™ sells out quickly, keeping it in stock has been a challenge.  Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Colorizes turn on at Night?

Colorize™ uses dusk to dawn technology to automatically turn on when it gets dark outside. And when the sun comes up, bright rights turn off and start charging with their solar panels. 

How many do I need for my home?

We recommend getting at least 12 for your home. 4 lights can typically cover one area such as a small garden or porch.

Are these waterproof and safe for sprinklers?

Yes! Colorize™ lights work in tough conditions. Some of our customers have told us their lights have been through heavy rain and they still work just fine!

Do I need batteries or wiring?

No, Colorize™ only uses it's solar panels to charge. It doesn't need any batteries or complicated wiring for it to work.

What Makes Colorize™ the Best Choice for Surrounding My Home With Beautiful Colors?

Join 14,833 Americans Who Transformed Their Simple Homes Into A Paradise Of Color

Colorize™ is trusted by over 14,833 Americans and that number is growing every single day.

Not to mention, you get a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on Colorize™.

Thousands of satisfied customers are just raving about Colorize™ showering their homes with beautiful, elegant color!

Other Lights

Stunning Color Choices

One Boring Color

Installs in minutes

Take Hours of Wiring


Need Expensive Professionals

Impressive Party Mode

No Color Changing

Solar Powered

Expensive Electricity Bills

Transform Your Ugly Backyard to the Life of the Party with these Clever Lights

Without proper lighting your home is uninviting and make guests want to turn away the second they turn into your driveway…

And if you call a professional to comes install some lights in your yard they are going to charge you hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

Traditional lights run complicated ugly wires all through your yard that will drain your wallet with crazy expensive electricity bills.

Make Your Home the Coolest on the Block:

When you place these on any dark area around your house, you’ll notice how quickly your home goes from lifeless to extraordinary. The stunning lights turn your home into an eye-catching paradise.

Solar Powered:

When the sun comes up, Colorize™ instantly starts harnessing energy from the sun. And when it turns to night, they automatically activate with dusk-to-dawn technology.


Colorize™ lights are designed to survive in your yard through rain & harsh conditions. Just stake them into the ground and you are done, no maintenance needed!

Stop Tripping on Dark Pathways:

No more dark & scary pathways to trip on. Install Colorize™ and walk on well-light and guided pathways to prevent tripping & serious injuries.

No Ugly Wiring or Batteries Needed:

Just stake them into the ground, no wiring or annoying battery replacements! Plus you won't skyrocket your electricity bills like other lights.

Transform Your Home in Minutes:

Just minutes after you take them out of the box, your home can look astonishing. Just attach the stake and put it anywhere in your yard!

Jack from Kansas told us he didn’t think Colorize™ would shine that bright at night.

He told us he paid thousands got a professional to install some lights at his last house, but they didn't shine well and raised his electricity bill. So he was really skeptical that Colorize™ would be able to look good when lights he paid thousands for didn't.

But he gave them a try anyways. Two days later he wrote us back asking if we could send him two more sets! He was shocked to see that Colorize™ looked so good in his yard! "The color choices look so good and I get compliments anytime friends or family come over!"

“I Didn’t Think These Would make my Home Look that Good… But I Just Ordered Two More Sets..”

The Patio:

Is your patio dark and boring? Your patio should be the life of your yard where friends gather and enjoy themselves for countless hours..

The Pool Area:

Is your pool looking dull at night? Adding just a few of these around your pool will make it stand out and look gorgeous.

Landscaping & Gardens:

A poorly lit garden or landscaping area is a turn off at night. Colorize™ fills your garden, fences, pools, BBQ areas with stunning & colorful light! Be warned: Your neighbors might start asking where you got them!

Dark Pathways:

Accidents happen, tripping & falling on a dark pathway can cause serious injury. Light the way and stay safe with Colorizes™ "striking" LED lights.

Colorize™ transforms any area of your home: